Benjamin Amaru
Benjamin Amaru's musical repertoire revolves around the desire for constant development. Money, fame, trends - none of this matters to the travelling troubadour from Switzerland. As he says himself, he spent ten years seeking his sound. When his debut single "Water Falls" hit the airwaves in 2018, Amaru already had the defiant honesty to openly explain the development of his own art to his listeners. Without a label, with no PR agency behind him, just relying on word of mouth, the singer-songwriter has transformed himself over the last few years into a poet, mastering soulful ballads as well as subtle folk excursions and euphoric summer pop. The very personal and the universally relevant often intertwine in his songs, gaining in meaning and yet shedding their heaviness. This is another factor explaining his deft touch for unusual arrangements, melodic swings or stylistically confident changes that turn every release into a new step in a never-ending transformation. It is rare for art and artists to merge as openly and honestly as is the case here.