Endless Wellness
Removing the target plates from the lyricism of dismay and at the same time attempting the gainer salto into the sink of the bourgeoisie - if you shriek for Endless Wellness, you'll get Viennese contemporary prose through gritted teeth. The quartet from the Austrian cultural hotbed mocks everything and everyone with stylistic confidence, referencing the splendid Grauzone as well as Nena, Kafka plus Psychology Today and dancing ballet in a gym full of pitfalls - without a false step, without a slip. The way Endless Wellness carry off this linguistically delicately transgressive performance on their studio debut "Was für ein Glück" this year is something hardly anyone dares to do, even in Vienna circles. Nuances of the latest German waves wash up against self-made indie, break on the dry humour dreams of a Gerhard Schöne and melt into the genre foam of the present. This is wellness.