Pierrot Raschdorff
Pierrot Raschdorff (43) is an author and Sr. Director Global of Corporate Responsibility at the music company BMG. In his previous professional positions, he has mainly worked in marketing and advertising. These included companies such as the Penguin Random House publishing group or the Hamburg media company Edel AG and the advertising agency Jung von Matt. His latest book “Schwarz. Rot. Wir. Wie Vielfalt uns reicher macht” can be seen as a fundamental work on diversity management. He is also the initiator of the cultural festival “The New Black. Celebration of Music, Literature & Culture”, which took place for the first time in 2014 at the Theater des Westens in Berlin. He is a speaker on diversity management for companies. Pierrot Raschdorff holds a degree in political science and is a trained mediator.